Monday, July 4, 2011

New Tarot

I'm terrible about posting, seriously.

But I just wanted to share I got new Tarot cards right after Midsummer. They are Fae themed so it was quite appropriate. (Not to mention they are terribly accurate). I got them at

I keep them in a gold sheer bag with tumbled sea glass, and a Earth Goddess totem. Then I place that bag within a soft black velvet bag with a pentacle on it. This seals the majick until I am ready to harness it. I also infused the edges of the cards and their corresponding book with Dragon's Blood wax, it gives them a lovely fragrance and keeps them anointed.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Rosacrucians and Pendulums

I had the pleasure to attend the Rosacrucian Museum in San Jose with my father and grandfather on Monday. Positively delightful!

It was an amazing experience, and a promise kept. My father had told me since I was a child that he would take me either to Egypt or at the very least, to the museum.  And so we did.

I will post pix soon, especially of my shiny new amethyst pendulum.


Friday, April 22, 2011

Secrets and Whispers

Two days ago I stood on the shores of the coast, feeling warm sand beneath my feet for the first time in this lifetime. The sweet roar of the pounding surf lulled my senses, as I looked out on the sparkling lace blue of the water. The closest you will ever be to the divine is when you can leave the urban element, have a moment of solitude and listen to the whispers of the cosmos. The deepest secrets of the heart and soul lie in the divine whispers. Calling of birds, hushing of wind, roaring of waves, trickling of water, pattering of rain. Life is in the water, and as they say- so is God, in what ever form he or she may be.

So take a moment from your day, away from cars, phones, video games, computers. Go outside, and have a moment to yourself, you may discover something if you listen well enough.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Dreams and Future

I had the most interesting dream.

I dreamt I was at work, my boss looking at an item from my kitchen, inspecting it.

She says it's too old and stained, a cheap plastic cutting board that I've had for years.
Another co-worker chimes in agreement.

I look across the store and my mother is sitting there, sad and sweating. Looking Ill.
I rush over to her with my water bottle I take to work. I take a sip, the water is tepid but I give it to her anyways knowing that it's the last bit of water that I have. She drinks the whole bottle enthusiastically and that's the end of the dream.

I realize my stress and concerns are coming out in my dreams. I worry for the future, and feel the stress of the present. I understand its symbology and acknowledge it's magick.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Nightshade's Promise

It has come to my attention through many requests and posts that there is an overwhelming need for me to start a blog for something near and dear to my soul, Paganism.

To start, let me first say thank you.

Without the comments and questions, I would not have known of such a need. If anything I am quite heartfelt about it. There are many resources available to Pagans out there, many of which I will post here but many keep asking me. I do not claim to be an expert. By old tradition I would be considered a High Priestess, just by many years of practice alone. However, I do not belong to any coven and I have been a sole practitioner most of my life.

I call this small patch of inter web, Candles and Crows. Nothing too original, but bring to mine not only the hushed quiet of our craft but the wisdom and intelligence of a long time symbolic creature. I will try, to the best of my ability to post frequently. I am a busy busy bee, but I find comfort in the energy at hand, just as many of you do. The reason why I chose to blog instead of a forum is for a few reasons. One problem you will find is that I am too busy too respond to every post on a forum, especially since I had more than one. Two, I love to post pictures, as well as be a wordy story teller so blogging makes the most sense. You have the ability to comment, or sign up through the host site for free to add me. I also have several other blogs as well which you can find in my profile.

It makes sense to start this now, in the month of the fullest moon in twenty years, before the witching hours of Monday and Tuesday- a time of meditation and initiative. Also, a time of spring, of growth and fertility which I hope to invoke spiritually. I must rest for another days efforts but for now, think deeply upon what called you, drew you or motivated you to ask about Paganism. This tiny grain, delicate seed is what you will protect, nurture and sow during your visit to Candles and Crows. And, with the right amount of grace and care, it will bloom if you let it.

With Prayers and Blessings, so Mote it be,

~Willow Wood
aka TheSpyderDuster